Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Place Nameage

In German class yesterday we got to learn the German names for Italian places. It was this that made me decide to renew my drive to have everyone in the world call everyone else's stuff by what the person who lives there calls it. I know this creates speech issues in some cases, but if people would just learn them instead of the substitute names in the first place, it really wouldn't be an issue.

In most cases (I'll use English for the sake of argument, but I assume the arguments I make can be applied to any language) the English word is not that different from the local name. "Venice" for "Venezia," "Munich" for "München," etc. (it's worth noting that Firefox is telling me that Venezia and München are misspelled). In some cases it is radically different, like with "Finland" for "Suomi." But I think everyone would be the better for it in the end, and it certainly would be easier than learning "Venice," "Venedig," "Venise," and "Venezia."


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