Thursday, January 04, 2007

Let Go

I got the Nada Surf album of the previously mentioned title today, and it's really amazing, to put it simply. I haven't even listened to Low's The Great Destroyer because after listening to NMH's On Avery Island (and not much liking it, may I add; the lo-fi approach didn't work very well) I put this in (probably looking for something approaching polished-sounding and not based on incoherence). And I've been listening to it since, with the exception of watching the Maple Leafs trounce the Bruins 10-2. That was a treat.

But yes, it's an amazing album. I'm not doing a review here, so don't worry. But all the songs are above average and there are a few (esp. "Killian's Red" and "Neither Heaven nor Space") that are outstanding. It's worth investigating, at the very least. I stopped by Pitchfork a few minutes ago to see if the review for this album fitted their formula, and it did. Specifically, they hated it. A 3.8. I'm glad to see that. I would've been worried if they liked it.

And this is their formula, by the way (in python):

[neq, "radiohead", $album,
store_random_in_range, reg(0), 1, 5,
assign, $score, reg(0)]


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