Monday, December 04, 2006

Let's stop with the dictator rhetoric, k?

Hugo Chavez: America-hater and socialist dictator.

So he won the election they had in Venezuela 61%-38%. The CNN headline is instructive in how this will be treated by the American press. Instead of "Chavez wins Venezuelan election" or something similarly neutral, (and, oh, I don't know, newslike?) they title it "Chavez: New 'defeat for the devil.'"

The article is similarly full of anti-Chavez agit-prop. The guy basically just reads a Chomsky book and puts it in his own words and the US goes ballistic at him. If people get past the pandering rhetoric they see the points he is making are legit. His statements are definitely loaded with moronism, but so are Bush's. You don't see CNN headling articles about Bush's latest initiatives with "Bush: 'God said that global warming is the shit.'"

I mean, c'mon, the guy thinks some supreme overlord talks to him. He isn't nuts?


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