Thursday, April 12, 2007

Vegan Week

It took me a bit to do this writeup. And I'm gonna make it quick, because there isn't much to say.

I ended it on Thursday, two days ahead of schedule. I did this because I hadn't eaten protein in nearly a week, and was worried about my body beginning to eat itself. It was somewhat disappointing, since even just some peanuts would've done the trick and allowed me to continue, but there weren't any peanuts anywhere to be seen in the dining hall (not even peanut butter) and I didn't have the opportunity to go to the co-op to get a can or such. So I called it early for health reasons. But I was confident that I could've gone the full week, and that was idea, after all.

So what did I eat? I wasn't being an anal vegan; I probably ate some animal products unknowingly, but the idea was nothing obviously animalian. At one point I was told that the bread I was eating my lettuce, tomato, and pickle sandwich on had eggs in it. It didn't stop me. Monday we went out to dinner, and there was only one item on the menu I was able to eat. It was good though - angel-hair pasta (no cheese please!). On Wednesday, they had a "baseball-themed" menu at North, which was basically cheese and meat galore. And all week the vegan menu entries they usually have at the dining hall were no where in site. I chose the worst week to do it, it seems.

Oh, and I tried soy milk in my cereal one morning (I usually just ate it dry). It tasted like munching on tulips. Blech.

In conclusion, while I think veganism lacks much justification over vegetarianism, it certainly is a lot harder. And I was only doing for a week, and not even that fully. Hats off to vegans.


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