Rebirth, Rebranding, Retooling, Re-ing
Take your pick. I've decided to resurrect the site as primarily a literary review and copyright notice site. What a dynamic duo. But anyway.
I'd first like to thank the various automated bots that have decided my dying blog is worth posting comments about discount RX suppliers. I appreciate their commitment of 0.04 watts to my cause. Secondly, I'd like to thank the people who post to my blog advertising their blogs. Does it really matter?
OK. My first order of business is to be the first person searchable by Google to mention Fuqatois. Here is the definition of fuqatois I gave in an essay:
Fuqatois is an imaginary French [actually, Québec patois*] word which roughly corresponds to a non-existent English word three degrees above "motherfucker."** For example, "Those fuqatois stole my lunch money! Now I'm going to starve to death!" It's a silly example, but we're taking the speaker literally. He is actually going to starve to death here; It is not to be used lightly. The average man should use fuqatois once or twice in their life, unless they're quite unlucky. I write stories about unlucky men, so I use fuqatois more than most. That was why I invented it. There are no longer any words or phrases in the English language which, when used, cause people to stop and consider. If I call someone a fuqatois, I want them to seriously consider their actions. You call someone an asshole or flip them off these days, and they don't even notice half the time. I want them to spend an afternoon on it. So this word is used in situations where no English word can possibly express the intensity of emotion fuqatois encompasses.
* Yes, I'm actually being picky about what regional dialect my imaginary word comes from.
** jerk -> dick -> asshole -> coochmuffin -> cunt -> fucker -> motherfucker -> [] -> [] -> [fuqatois]. It's like the richter scale, really.***
*** Did you know that in a survey of Britons "cunt" was ranked the most vulgar word? Crazy. I call people cunts all the time. And I've got a variety of derivative terms too. "Cuntruffian" is my favorite.
The rest of the order of business can be taken care of later. I've got some books I'd like to talk about, some politics I'd like to disown (especially some ideas I now consider quite sanctimonious), and some other shit like that. Sneak peak:
Henry Adams' Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres & also History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson & James Madison
John Gardner's Wreckage of Agathon, October Light, Grendel, Nickel Mountain
David Foster Wallace's career (with probable help from a disciple).
Will Durant's massive Story of Civilization
Louis IX
Henry II
Henry VIII
Frederick II (Holy Roman Empire), but possibly Frederick II, King in Prussia
Well, that's enough. I probably won't get past all this at all.
I'd first like to thank the various automated bots that have decided my dying blog is worth posting comments about discount RX suppliers. I appreciate their commitment of 0.04 watts to my cause. Secondly, I'd like to thank the people who post to my blog advertising their blogs. Does it really matter?
OK. My first order of business is to be the first person searchable by Google to mention Fuqatois. Here is the definition of fuqatois I gave in an essay:
Fuqatois is an imaginary French [actually, Québec patois*] word which roughly corresponds to a non-existent English word three degrees above "motherfucker."** For example, "Those fuqatois stole my lunch money! Now I'm going to starve to death!" It's a silly example, but we're taking the speaker literally. He is actually going to starve to death here; It is not to be used lightly. The average man should use fuqatois once or twice in their life, unless they're quite unlucky. I write stories about unlucky men, so I use fuqatois more than most. That was why I invented it. There are no longer any words or phrases in the English language which, when used, cause people to stop and consider. If I call someone a fuqatois, I want them to seriously consider their actions. You call someone an asshole or flip them off these days, and they don't even notice half the time. I want them to spend an afternoon on it. So this word is used in situations where no English word can possibly express the intensity of emotion fuqatois encompasses.
* Yes, I'm actually being picky about what regional dialect my imaginary word comes from.
** jerk -> dick -> asshole -> coochmuffin -> cunt -> fucker -> motherfucker -> [] -> [] -> [fuqatois]. It's like the richter scale, really.***
*** Did you know that in a survey of Britons "cunt" was ranked the most vulgar word? Crazy. I call people cunts all the time. And I've got a variety of derivative terms too. "Cuntruffian" is my favorite.
The rest of the order of business can be taken care of later. I've got some books I'd like to talk about, some politics I'd like to disown (especially some ideas I now consider quite sanctimonious), and some other shit like that. Sneak peak:
Henry Adams' Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres & also History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson & James Madison
John Gardner's Wreckage of Agathon, October Light, Grendel, Nickel Mountain
David Foster Wallace's career (with probable help from a disciple).
Will Durant's massive Story of Civilization
Louis IX
Henry II
Henry VIII
Frederick II (Holy Roman Empire), but possibly Frederick II, King in Prussia
Well, that's enough. I probably won't get past all this at all.