Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Disaster? Let's Make A Profit!

They're at it again. This time, President Bush has suspended the Davis-Bacon Act. This act, passed during the Great Depression in 1935, required federal contractors to pay workers the average wage in the area that the work was being done in - seems like a good idea, right? Well, obviously not. And of course, Dick Cheney's old company Halliburton is tasked with the rebuilding - they've been in charge of all federally-funded rebuilding of disaster areas since September 11. What this basically does is allow Halliburton, who have been implicated in previous attempts to defraud the government to make a profit, earn even more money than they already woudl. Furthermore, President Bush declared that since Katrina left New Orleans in a state of emergency, he is able to suspend the act by executive decree, which means that Congress has no say. A little dictatorial, wouldn't you say?


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