Monday, April 25, 2005

A Week In The News

So I haven't been writing much lately. I was in South Carolina on vacation, the land of evangelical churches every 30 feet and strip bars every 25. And fireworks. Tonnnnnnns of fireworks. But that's another day. Today, I would like to revisit two of the people making news last week.

Pope Benedict XVI

Ah yes, a new pope. For about the past 50 years, popes have really just been figureheads that nobody really listens to, and that's why everyone loves 'em. "No contraception? Pffff...screw that. Awww, you're so cute when you're mad!" If anybody actually listened to what these guys were saying, they'd try to have him uninstalled. But anyway, we've got a new lame duck for the next 10 years or so (the "new" guy isn't so new...he's in his 80's). I just thought I'd bring him up because he has a bit of an interesting past that the Catholic Church has been trying their damnest to suppress. You see, this guy, Joseph Ratzinger, is a German, and he was a teenager in those crazy '40's. So what does that mean? Well, only that he was a member of the Hitler Jugend for a few years before deserting once the shit hit the fans ('44). A lot of talk about the deserting, not much talk about what exactly he did in the Hitler Youth. But hey, they were just like the boy scouts, really...just with a bit more hero worship and a slightly genocidal tilt. But hey, everyone's got something wrong with them, right?

“Israel is hopeful that under this new papacy, we will continue to move forward in Vatican-Israel relations and we are sure that considering the background of this new pope, he, like his predecessor, will be a strong voice against anti-Semitism in all its forms,” said Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom. [emphasis mine]


John Bolton

My old friend is now in the last spasms of life before being tossed on the scrap heap of history. The 18 member Senate Foreign Relations Committee (10 Republican, 8 Democrat) recently voted to hold off voting on Bolton for three weeks after at least three Republicans on the council expressed doubts about Bolton's veracity as UN ambassador for the United States. Allegations have come out in the past few weeks that he tried to have dissenters in his department fired over a disagreement concerning Cuba's "biological weapons" (Bolton doesn't realize they're just cigars). Also, a woman alleges that he chased her through the halls of a Russian hotel, throwing things at her while screaming, and sending threatening letters to her under her door. What are we, six years old? The guy is a douchebag, and he won't even get by the Senate FRC.

So that's my take on the news.