Tuesday, April 25, 2006

[Addendum to previous post]

Thankfully, George Bush thinks he's found a way to curb rising oil prices. Push for reforms to the system? Subsidize oil to low-income families (as Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, has done for the poor in New York and Boston)? Oh! Maybe open up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve?

No, instead he's rescinding environmental restrictions on refining oil. Saw that one coming, didn't you? To add insult to injury, he's opening up a "probe" of the oil companies to see if foul play is involved. Because, obviously, he's the one who should be conducting an investigation of his good friends.

At least he's starting to see that tax breaks for energy companies are not a good idea (still needs some grammar help though):

"Taxpayers don't need to be paying for certain of these expenses on behalf of the energy companies," Bush said.

Yea, no shit George.


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